"Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."- George Eliot
There is something rather magical about the changing of seasons. Perhaps it is only in my overly imaginative mind,but I could feel the change in the air this morning. The sky was a little bluer,the leaves slightly more yellow and wind just a tad chillier. While September 1 is greatly celebrated for the coming of Spring,I have always enjoyed the first day of Autumn more. Long fluffy socks,hot chocolate and woolly hats will soon be a part of our daily lives again.To honour this glorious occasion,I have changed my blogs background for a while. Autumn is on my list of 100 favourite things about being alive. It is just too lovely. happy Autumn Day :) :)
Doesn't this mean you'll have to change your title to "Nellie the Autumnarrator"?