"I had lunch! Gum is lunch coz you chew it."- Dominic,5
"When we're done here,are we going to another planet?" "Heaven" "Yeah that planet"-Dominic
"I will love my sister so much,I'll let her scribble on my bed..with pink"-Dominic
"Is Gavin gonna marry your sister? He gave her a hug today,and he used both arms"-Troy,8
"We buy food at Lick n Pay!"-Kirsty.4
"I love that game with the baked beans!"-Robyn,5 (bean bags)
"Zoe is like her hairstyle,all bouncy. It's like you,you have long thin hair.."-Che,9
"The boat is like Jesus,it can walk on water.''- Gemmah,4
"If the dog jumps on you,say 'bees'.Everyone is scared of bees"-Dylan,5
"Go away now!I want to take my pants off"-Mark,5
"You always wear the same scarf.Are you poor?" Kirsty,4
"I weared the pink dress coz you like pink and now we can be friends and I can follow you around"-Jordan,6
They're amazing.