Ever since I can remember,my older sister Rebekah has been planning her wedding. From hundreds of dress designs to sample invitations and a list of characteristics of her Prince,she's had it all figured out. Like any good sister would,I looked through picture after picture,discussed whether a dark-haired man would have preference over a tall one and diligently scanned my peers and random strangers for a suitable beaux. Little did I know that reality would be completely different from the fantasy. I never really thought that day would arrive. Her prince had come. And I hated it.
Daniel hails from a small town called Mt Gambier in Southern Australia. He lives on a dairy farm with his parents,three brothers and a sister. Yes,he milks cows for a living. On the bright side,sound engineering is his career of choice. Dan is tall,lanky,blue-eyed and blonde-haired with a nose you cannot miss. Even though they've only been dating for a few months,he came and met the family,lived in our house for a month and proposed to her. When I first met him,I was not impressed. His accent is weird,he laughs at everything,he calls Rebekah "Bek" and he is only 19. Even though now I've only known him for six days,I am completely sold. It has taken some interrogating,a few silly arguments and some inside jokes,but I am convinced that Dan is indeed The Man. He makes amazing tea,he's funny,he loves Jesus and Rebekah,he acts like he belongs and his accent is actually quite cool. He has an amazing ability to calm Rebekah down and nothing seems to offend him. He is completely opposite to what she thought she wanted and exactly who she needed. Mr Daniel Willsmore,you paw paw,you have my approval. Even though you have turned my life upside down and stolen my closest friend,our snot bridge is strong,you can stay. Fair Dinkum