Monday, January 31, 2011

Eagle has left the nest...

“If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together.. there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. I'll always be with you.”-Winnie the Pooh

My whole life in a few suitcases..
Unlike most people,I never wanted to grow up and leave home. I was never going to take a gap year or leave home,until I was married. By some strange twist of (God orchestrad) events,the opportunity to study fell through. The job I was going to do instead became unavailable. Rather than take a lazy year,I am now doing a gap year in Pinetown and living in Durban. Despite all my earlier desires to remain at home,I became the first to leave. With my entire life packed into three large suitcases and four small bags I left Springs for a a home across the country. I exchanged friends for strangers,dry air for water logged air,my family for a rag bag collection of 13 people aged 18-20. I swopped absolute dependence for total independence,Spring's paleness for Durban tan and lay days for 8-4 work days.I miss my cat,my ragged couch,my crazy,amazing little sister,my beautiful Mawma,my obsessed father and brother and my best buddy,my Twilight-comrade,late-night chatterer,absolutely awesome older sister. Like a pilot carries a photo of his sweetheart in his plane,I carry my family with me on my journey. .Even though my metorphorical wings of independence are small and rather weak,this birdy has flown the coop. It's going to be a glorious flight...

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes..

By doing babysitting and Toddler's Sunday School (pretty much the same thing),I get to see a glimpse of the smaller species' inner workings. They have the most amazing opinions on love,food,hairstyles and ife in general..

"I had lunch! Gum is lunch coz you chew it."- Dominic,5

"When we're done here,are we going to another planet?" "Heaven" "Yeah that planet"-Dominic

"I will love my sister so much,I'll let her scribble on my bed..with pink"-Dominic
"I gotta die next week,coz I never saw Jesus.But I'll come back"-Dominic

"Is Gavin gonna marry your sister? He gave her a hug today,and he used both arms"-Troy,8

"We buy food at Lick n Pay!"-Kirsty.4

"I love that game with the baked beans!"-Robyn,5  (bean bags)

"Zoe is like her hairstyle,all bouncy. It's like you,you have long thin hair.."-Che,9

"The boat is like Jesus,it can walk on water.''- Gemmah,4

"If the dog jumps on you,say 'bees'.Everyone is scared of bees"-Dylan,5

"Go away now!I want to take my pants off"-Mark,5

"You always wear the same scarf.Are you poor?" Kirsty,4

"I weared the pink dress coz you like pink and now we can be friends and I can follow you around"-Jordan,6

They're amazing.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

There goes one...and here comes another

Step back
Stop the world
Stop the time
It's always running
Just trying to catch my breath
Just trying to take it in

Unfold and calculate
Concentrate and reach for something

Here's to the good times
The bad times
The times that could have been
To the wrong times
The right time
s                      -Prime Circle

2010...from starting matric,to the world cup to losing two amazing friends and making even more,ladies camp,nights at the duck pond,and more studying than anyone should have to endure,trips down to George and Pinetown,double Christmas and a very wet new year's,it's been a roller coaster ride of note. The soccer was not all that exciting to me. Matric,despite all the encouraging it's-not-so-bad comments,was H.A.R.D. Final exams were awful. People I thought would be around for forever left. People I thought I'd never talk to became closer than family. Some memories I'd like to erase,others I never want to forget. I never wanted to finish school,but 2010 didn't listen,it just kept going. The world did indeed keep turning. Last night in the rain,the year left,and in came another =) happy new year oh cyber space =)